January 2002
AIM's Reed Irvine: Conscientious seeker of truth
Judi McLeod, Canada Free Press
You can tell by just looking at him, that he can't wait to get to his office everyday. There are so many stories to be written, riddles be solved, delicious conspiracies to delve right into.
He's not even remotely like the dozens of young whippersnappers turned out in smartly cut navy blue suits, on Connecticut Avenue in downtown Washington, D.C. Youth has no monopoly on an irrepressible zest for life, and Reed Irvine, 70-plus proves it.
Spry as a grasshopper, nothing wears down this Don Quixote of media bias.
In apple blossom time or frosty February, the air seems to crackle about him.
A former Federal Reserve official, who founded Accuracy in Media (AIM) in 1969, Irvine holds a degree from the University of Utah, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and from Oxford, where he was a Fulbright scholar. Colleague Charles Rozier says he volunteers his time at AIM because he believes that "the mainstream media are biased and Reed Irvine conscientiously searches for the truth."
That conscientious search for the truth finds him on radio and TV programs including Crossfire, MacNeil/Lehrer News Hour, Nightline, Nightwatch, Good Morning America, Viewpoint and The Larry King Show. Nowhere, no matter how determined, have any of his detractors ever stared Reed Irvine down.
Bureaucratic drones, nasty letters, threatening telephone calls, derision and disbelief do nothing to stop his steady stride and only whet his appetite. Among marked personal traits, his self-deprecating sense of humour is as generous as his uncanny commonsense.
Editor of the AIM Report, he writes a weekly syndicated column, and does a daily radio commentary, Media Monitor with Cliff Kincaid. Irvine is also Chairman of Accuracy in Academia, which he founded in 1985.
Up against odds that would overwhelm most, after more than 30 years of publicizing the mediaís irresponsible behaviour, this crusader has become no less than the nationís foremost media critic and authority on media bias. He is listed n Who's Who in America and Who's Who in the World. But long before the listings, Reed Irvine knew who he was and what needed to be done.
His sleuthing takes him into dark woods where no one else wants to go. Irvine has never let the charge of "conspiracy believer" slow down his even pace.
In the aftermath of September 11 he queried in a special report entitled America's Wake-Up Call "whether "the Clinton administration's cover-up of the cause of the crash of TWA Flight 800 emboldened the perpetrators of these attacks to carry out their kamikaze missions."
Irvine has remained steadfast in his belief that "the evidence that TWA 800 was downed by missiles is overwhelming."
"Hundreds of eyewitnesses either saw a missile rise from the surface of the ocean or spotted a missile in the sky heading for TWA 800. Radar picked up a missile track. But all of this ended up being disregarded by the FBI, the CIA and the National Transportation Safety Board. These government agencies collaborated to produce a video simulation of the crash that was based on a lie dreamed up by the CIA to discredit the hundreds of eyewitnesses that know they saw a missile."
During my visit to his office last November, Irvine was, with the relish of a schoolboy, dispatching a colleague to the Boston area to interview a general, his latest TWA 800 eyewitness.
"The families of Flight 800 passengers still do not know the fate of their parents, husbands, wives and children," Irvine told me when I asked him why he has never given up.
More than anyone else, Reed Irvine, a Washington institution, is an inspiration to all seekers of the truth.